
Easily include static pages in your Rails app.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

High Voltage Build Status

Rails engine for static pages.

... but be careful. Danger!

Static pages?

Yeah, like "About us", "Directions", marketing pages, etc.


$ gem install high_voltage

Include in your Gemfile:

gem "high_voltage"

For Rails versions prior to 3.0, use the 0.9.2 tag of high_voltage:



Write your static pages and put them in the RAILS_ROOT/app/views/pages directory.

$ mkdir app/views/pages
$ touch app/views/pages/about.html.erb

After putting something interesting there, you can link to it from anywhere in your app with:

link_to "About", page_path("about")

This will also work, if you like the more explicit style:

link_to "About", page_path(:id => "about")

You can nest pages in a directory structure, if that makes sense from a URL perspective for you:

link_to "Q4 Reports", page_path("about/corporate/policies/HR/en_US/biz/sales/Quarter-Four")



By default, the static page routes will be like /pages/:id (where :id is the view filename).

If you want to route to a static page in another location (for example, a homepage), do this:

get 'pages/home' => 'high_voltage/pages#show', :id => 'home'

In that case, you'd need an app/views/pages/home.html.erb file.

Generally speaking, you need to route to the 'show' action with an :id param of the view filename.

High Voltage will generate a named route method of page_path which you can use, as well. If you want to generate a named route (with the :as routing option) for some route which will be handled by High Voltage, make sure not to use :page as the name, because that will conflict with the named route generated by High Voltage itself.

For example, this will work for top-level routes (we will get a named route called static_path which does not conflict with the generated page_path method):

get '/:id' => 'high_voltage/pages#show', :as => :static, :via => :get

Specifying a root path

You can route the root url to a high voltage page like this:

root :to => 'high_voltage/pages#show', :id => 'home'

Which will render a homepage from app/views/pages/home.html.erb

Enabling root domain routes

You can remove the directory pages from the URL path and serve up routes from the root of the domain path:


Would look for corresponding files:


This is accomplished by changing the HighVoltage.route_drawer to HighVoltage::RouteDrawers::Root

# config/initializers/high_voltage.rb
HighVoltage.route_drawer = HighVoltage::RouteDrawers::Root

Note: This is not a catchall route. It will check the HighVoltage.content_path (by default this is app/views/pages) and validate the view exists.

Disabling routes

The default routes can be completely removed by changing the HighVoltage.routes to false

# config/initializers/high_voltage.rb
HighVoltage.routes = false


High Voltage uses a default path and folder of 'pages', i.e. 'url.com/pages/contact' , 'app/views/pages'

You can change this in an initializer:

HighVoltage.content_path = "site/"


Most common reasons to override?

  • You need authentication around the pages to make sure a user is signed in.
  • You need to render different layouts for different pages.
  • You need to render a partial from the app/views/pages directory.

Create a PagesController of your own:

$ rails generate controller pages

Override the default route:

# in config/routes.rb
get "/pages/*id" => 'pages#show', :as => :page, :format => false

# if routing the root path, update for your controller
root :to => 'pages#show', :id => 'home'

Then modify it to subclass from High Voltage, adding whatever you need:

class PagesController < HighVoltage::PagesController
  before_filter :authenticate
  layout :layout_for_page

    def layout_for_page
      case params[:id]
      when 'home'

Custom finding

You can further control the algorithm used to find pages by overriding the page_finder_factory method:

class PagesController < HighVoltage::PagesController

  def page_finder_factory

The easiest thing is to subclass HighVoltage::PageFinder, which provides you with page_id:

class Rot13PageFinder < HighVoltage::PageFinder
  def find
    paths = super.split('/')
    directory = paths[0..-2]
    filename = paths[-1].tr('a-z','n-za-m')

    File.join(*directory, filename)

Use this to create a custom file mapping, clean filenames for your file system, A/B test, and so on.


You can test your static pages using RSpec and shoulda-matchers:

# spec/controllers/pages_controller_spec.rb
describe PagesController, '#show' do
  %w(earn_money screencast about contact).each do |page|
    context 'on GET to /pages/#{page}' do
      before do
        get :show, :id => page

      it { should respond_with(:success) }
      it { should render_template(page) }

If you're not using a custom PagesController be sure to test HighVoltage::PagesController instead.



Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.



High Voltage is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc

Thank you to all the contributors!

The names and logos for thoughtbot are trademarks of thoughtbot, inc.


High Voltage is Copyright © 2009-2013 thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.