
Verification examples for the simulation of fluid-driven frictional ruptures with PyFracX

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


Verification examples for the simulation of fluid-driven frictional ruptures with PyFracX


PyFracX simulate the re-activation and propagation of fluid-induced frictional/shear ruptures allowing also full opening of the fracture. The X hints that the code can simulate multiple intersecting fractures. In PyFracX, the fractures are pre-existing and meshed accordingly. This repository documents a comprehensive series of verification tests of this solver against existing analytical/semi-analytical solutions for this class of hydromechanical fracture problems. This tests are for fluid-induced tensile fracture (hydraulic fracture re-opening of a pre-existing discontinuity) and frictional shear ruptures. The solver can simulate a number of problems, and notably cases where fluid flow can be "uncoupled" from the mechanical problem (e.g. frictional ruptures for which the evolution of pore-pressure is not affected by mechanical deformation) or "coupled" hydromechanical problems (e.g. hydraulic fractures, shear-induced dilatant frictional ruptures). The structure of the sub-folders follows this convention.

Important notes

You must have in your python path BigWham, PyFracX as well as the base folder of this repo (to allow proper import of reference solutions). In each sub-folder, when running the script - if the option save_results =True at the head of the script, a sub-folder will be created where the results of the simulation will be dump. NEVER commit these files.


This repository is organized with the following sub-folders

  • ReferenceSolutions/ contains python modules containing existing reference solutions with sub-folders HF for hydraulic fracture (tensile mode I case) and FDFR for fluid-driven frictional ruptures
  • 2D-uncoupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 2D plane elasticity configurations for frictional ruptures for which the evolution of pore-pressure is not affected by mechanical deformation such that only the mechanical part of the solver is used
  • 2D-coupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 2D plane elasticity configurations using the coupled hydromechanical solver (thus allowing to model coupled as well uncoupled case)
  • 3D-uncoupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 3D configurations for frictional ruptures for which the evolution of pore-pressure is not affected by mechanical deformation such that only the mechanical part of the solver is used
  • 3D-coupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 3D configurations using the coupled hydromechanical solver (thus allowing to model coupled as well uncoupled case)
  • Axisymmetry-uncoupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 2D Axisymmetric configurations (circular rupture) for frictional ruptures for which the evolution of pore-pressure is not affected by mechanical deformation such that only the mechanical part of the solver is used
  • Axisymmetry-coupled/ contains sub-folders with scripts for 2D Axisymmetric configurations (circular rupture) using the coupled hydromechanical solver (thus allowing to model coupled as well uncoupled case)


  • Brice Lecampion
  • ...