
Set of microservices and workshop instructions to demonstrate use of Spring Cloud Services. https://github.com/Tanzu-Solutions-Engineering/pivotal-bank-demo

Primary LanguageJava

Tanzu Banking Demo App

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This repo provides an example Spring microservice architecture and can be deployed via Tanzu Application Platform.

  • Fully functional trading app with:
    • User service creates user profiles
    • Account service creates accounts for users
    • Portfolio service holds trade information
    • Quote service fetches value of given trade symbol.
  • Utilizes several Spring ecosystem core components:
    • Config Server fetches application config from Git
    • Discovery Server (Eureka) allows each application to be register and fetch services.
  • Other capabilities
    • Quote service is inter changeable between Quote service developed with Spring or .Net-Core.
    • User service can provision PostgreSQL instance automatically and store it's data on PostgreSQL
    • Quote service can provision Redis instance automatically and store it's data on Redis
    • Integration with Open Telemetry allowing us to change observability tool easily, like Jaeger to Tanzu Observability
    • Integration with Tanzu Observability for distributed tracing
    • API endpoints generated automatically with Supply Chain and available at TAP-GUI
    • AirGapped (Internet-less) mode for POCs. That mode does not need connection to IEX-Trading-Cloud.

Deploy to Tanzu Application Platform (TAP)

Deploy App Accelerator:

kubectl apply -f tap-accelerator-deploy.yaml -n accelerator-system

Create or explore the file through TAP GUI and deploy whichever microservice with workload.yaml

If you have chosen OpenTelemetry you need to setup the otel operator like below.

kubectl apply -f open-telemetry/01-opentelemetry-operator.yaml

Then, depending on the observability tool chosen, use option-1 or option-2.

OpenTelemetry Option 1 - Tanzu Observability

kubectl apply -f wavefront/01-wavefront-operator.yaml
kubectl apply -f wavefront/02-wavefront-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f wavefront/03-wf-proxy.yaml
kubectl apply -f open-telemetry/02-opentelemetry-instrumentation.yaml

OpenTelemetry Option 2 - Jaeger

kubectl apply -f jaeger/01-jaeger-deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f open-telemetry/02-opentelemetry-instrumentation.yaml

After setting up the OpenTelemetry;

To set up whole environment, run the accelerator and run following workload.yaml files in consequent order.

kubectl apply -f config-server/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f discover-server/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f account-service/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f user-service/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f quote-service/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f portfolio-service/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f web-ui/config/workload.yaml

Develop Apps and Deploy to TAP (Developer Persona)

Create file through TAP GUI and deploy whichever microservice with workload.yaml

First deploy spring components.

kubectl apply -f config-server/config/workload.yaml
kubectl apply -f discover-server/config/workload.yaml

Then, go to chosen app's dir and run tilt.

tilt up

After you complete the development, do git push .


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