
A docker compose setup for the XOR validator node

MIT LicenseMIT


A docker compose setup for the XOR validator node with its own polka ui.

It is assumed you already installed: docker, docker-compose, git, nano packages.

Install Zero tier on node

Create a network in https://my.zerotier.com/


We'll assume you have chose the 10.147.17.*

Install the VPN. https://www.zerotier.com/download/

Join the network you've created. (Read the THREE steps described on the download page)

Aprove the node as a member from Zerotier Central.

Change the IP of your XOR node in the central panel to


Install Zerotier on your PC

Install Zerotier on your PC and ping the node's IP.

Prepare your project data

Run in terminal git clone https://github.com/ciprianiacobescu/Composed-Xor-Validator.git


cd Composed-Xor-Validator

mkdir -m777 -v chain

sudo chown -R 10000:10000 ./chain

Create a .env file

nano .env

Add the line ZeIP= , where is the ip you saw in Zerotier Central.
Add the line XOR_NODE_NAME=YourXORnamu

Pulling the images

Terminal: docker-compose pull

Check to see if configs are ok

Terminal: docker-compose config

Starting the beast

Terminal: docker-compose up -d

Stoping the beast

Terminal: docker-compose stop

Log binging

Terminal: docker-compose logs -f

Use the UI to see the beast!

Set the custom endpoint


Rotate key using UI

Xor key roation si very simple with the polkaui.


Next ...

Wait for the node to sync and then finish the Validator configuration

Sponsor me

You can nominate me on XOR at 5FYvE5WvXXKsgMGYZgf1AtFQJPFApcVjakBExzP8ymuLEapF

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