
This is a template for an example.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GS-Frame Gitter


This is a template for an example repository.

You can create a new example by simply clicking on "Use this template".

The included example is showing the generation of a conditioned random field ensemble in 1D taken from GSTools.


Please try to organize your example in the given Structure

  • data/ - here you should place your input data
  • src/ - here you should place your python scripts
  • results/ - here your computed results and plots should be stored
  • README.md - please describe your example in the readme, potentially showing results
  • LICENSE - the default license is MIT, you can use another one if wanted

Python environment

To make the example reproducible, it would be a good practice to provide one of the following files:

  • requirements.txt - requirements for pip to install all needed packages
  • spec-file.txt - specification file to create the original conda environment


After finalizing your work, you should tag the repository with a version like v1.0.

Then, a Zenodo release will be created, so you can cite the repository in you publication.

Please keep your master branch in line with the latest release. For further development use the develop branch and update master with pull-requests.


You can contact us via info@geostat-framework.org.


MIT © 2020