
A set of common abstractions for using realm API in Swift/Silver cross-platform codebases

Primary LanguageSwift


A set of common abstractions for using realm API in Swift/Silver cross-platform codebases.

Installation (swift)

  1. Clone the project
  2. Download latest realm distribution from Realm.io into designated repository folder.
  3. Extract the realm destribution archive and rename it into realm-swift
  4. run ./regenerate_project.sh in your terminal to generate the xcode project. (You are also adviced to regenerate it each time you pull)

the whole thing in terminal:

git clone https://github.com/GeoThings/LakestoneRealm.git
cd LakestoneRealm
curl -O https://static.realm.io/downloads/swift/realm-swift-2.0.3.zip
tar -xvf realm-swift-2.0.3.zip
mv realm-swift-2.0.3 realm-swift
open LakestoneRealm.xcodeproj