
Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with app_update
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


A module to manage an MCollective Agent and Application to perform Application Code Base Updates. This is demonstration code.

Module Description

Manages MCollective Agent and Application. The MCO Agent should be utilised on any application server. The MCO Application should be on the build server, such as Bamboo or Artifactory.


What app_update affects

Manages the MCO Agent and Application; restarts the MCollective service as required.

Setup Requirements

Does not use pluginsync as we do not want all nodes to have these agents or applications.

Beginning with app_update

By default the MCO Agent is managed and not the MCO application.

For PE, create a Node Group in the Classifier and assign the app_update class. A further Node Group maybe created for the build server, and this should also be assigned the app_update class, but the application parameter should be true and the agent parameter should be false.

NOTE: If the agent and application parameters are false the agents, applications and DDL files will be removed.


    # for application servers
    class { 'app_update':
      application => false,
      agent       => true,

    # for build servers
    class { 'app_update':
      application => true,
      agent       => false,






Boolean value to determine if the MCO agent is installed and managed. A false value will remove the agent. Default is true.


Boolean value to determine if the MCO application is installed and managed. A false value will remove the application. Default is false.

MCO Usage

As the correct user (peadmin or dashbaord on PE) issue the following command:

    mco app_update --service NAME_OF_SERVICE


    mco app_update --s NAME_OF_SERVICE

Note this is demonstration code. It will perform the following on the node:

  • Disable Puppet
  • Stop the desired service
  • Make a log entry (this is where the actual working code would perform)
  • Start the service
  • Enable Puppet


Used and tested on CentOS/RHEL6


Release Notes/Contributors/Etc