
Xcode Archive

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Xcode Archive

This Action builds and archives a product.

This Action has mostly been tested on macOS products. Although it probably just works, the goal is to support iOS and watchOS officially with the next release of this Action.

Code Signing

This Action works out of the box for products that have Automatic Code Signing setup. For the Archive step you will need to have a Developer Certifcate in your keychain. See the import-certificate Action on how to do this. (TODO This action has not been published yet but see the devbotsxyz/example-macos-rings example project for details.)

Basic Usage

For simple projects where there is one scheme, invoking xcode-archive can be as simple as this:

- name: "Archive"
  uses: devbotsxyz/xcode-archive@master

Full Example

The devbotsxyz/example-macos-rings project is an example macOS project with a release.yml workflow that shows all the steps needed to go from creating a release in GitHub to ending up with a .zip file that contains a signed and notarized application.

Related Actions

License and Contributions

This Action is licensed under the MIT license. Contributions are very much welcome and encouraged but we would like to ask to file an issue before submitting pull requests.