This geodashboard prototype combines the components (1) Provenance, (2) Spatial Data Quality as well as (3) General Metadata in one user interface. It acts as a user interface component supporting the evaluation of datasets, which are managed in a metadata catalog, by utilizing dataset provenance and quality information. The required information is retrieved via SPARQL request against a triplestore.
Software is still under development. During this phase, there might be issues related to the interaction with datasets while some aspects of node interaction may be affected.
The Geodashboard Prototype is based on Javascript, HTML and CSS. The main application can be found in the file index.html. The dashboard uses the RDFViz visualization as base for the Provenance Graph ( PROV-Entities are indicated with red color, Activities with blue. Different graphs from Plotly.js are used for displaying data quality measures in different charts. The maps used are provided by leaflet.js.
- Bootstrap:
- MIT License
- JQuery:
- MIT License
- Plotly.js (v2.14.0):
- MIT License
- Bootstrap Simple Admin Template:
- Apache license 2.0
- RDFViz:
- GNU General Public License v3.0
- Leaflet.js:
- BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
For further information about the Geodashboard see the associated publication:
Heiko Figgemeier (