This repo is copied and edited from AustinEast's bass-master-online repo

Getting Started

This project requires Haxe, Haxeflixel, and Node to be installed.

First, Clone the Repo:

git clone

Then direct your terminal to the newly cloned directory, and install all the Haxe Dependencies:

openfl install


The Server is made up of two parts:

  • The Game's logic, written in Haxe (Game.hx)
  • The Colyseus server, written in Typescript (index.ts & GameRoom.ts)

You may be wondering what the motivation was behind writing the Game logic in Haxe, even though its output is run on a server by a Typescript-based Node app. Normally it would be simpler to write it all in Typescript, but there are a couple of advantages to doing it this way:

  1. It allows the Game instance running on the Server to easiy share Types and Utility methods with the Client app (which is built with Haxeflixel, a Haxe-based Game Framework). Check out the shared directory the see what I mean.
  2. It gives access to the Haxe ecosystem, which includes its awesome standard library along with other great game-oriented libraries (zerolib in this case)!
  3. It's more fun to write code in Haxe!


Direct your terminal to the server directory:

cd server/

Install the Node dependencies, then build the Colyseus Schema:

npm i
npm run schema

Compile the Haxe code:

haxe game.hxml

Start the Server:

npm start





