Ritz is a platforming game

This should be it's entire source code. It uses OGMO 3 for it's map editing, and HaxeFlixel for framework and shit.

You can play the game on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/746874









Changes From the Pixel day version


  • Attempted to remove blind jumps, and decrease total camera movement during jumps
  • Deadzone covers total jump height upwards and 3 tiles downwards without moving
  • Landing at a new height (within the deadzone) gradually snaps the camera to the new height
  • Holding down pans the camera down temporarily to see below
  • sections of levels can specify camera modes, which currently only affect whether to show more above or below the player
  • falling for more than 3 tiles will make the camera pan down

Player Movement

Vertical stuff Old -> New

  • Min jump height: 2.5 tiles -> 1.5 tiles
  • Max jump height: 4.5 tiles -> 3.5 tiles
  • (Air hop height unchanged, jump duration and distance compensated for above values)

Horizontal stuff Old -> New

  • (Ground) Stop to full speed: 0.16 s -> 0.25 s;
  • (Ground) Stop from full speed: 0.135 s -> 0.3 s;
  • (Air) Stop to full speed: 0.16 s -> 0.36 s;
  • (Air) Stop from full speed: 0.135 s -> 0.2 s;
  • Post air hop acceleration unchanged


  • Skid hop: Jump while changing horizontal direction to instantly reach max speed in the desired direction. Works on ground jump and air hops (Example: While moving right but holding left press jump and you'll jump left at max speed)
  • added temp animation frames for falling/skidding
  • added dust animations

Moving Platforms

  • Added Hold Per Node(Float): pauses the platform at each node for the specified duration
  • Added Hold Per Loop(Float): pauses the platform after each full loop for the specified duration
  • Added Trigger: Pauses the platform at the start until the specified trigger is fired. (Note: all modes other than Load will pause after each loop
    • Load: always running
    • OnScreen: Starts when on screen
    • Collide: Starts when collides with the player
    • Ground: Starts when the player stands on it
  • Momentum transfer: Jumping off of a moving platform will add it's velocity to the player
    • trasferred x velocity is maintained throughout the jump rather than being reduced through friction like normal speed
    • Landing n a moving platform removes it's velocity from the player
    • The player's normal max speed does not cap speed gained from moving platforms
    • When jumping off of a horizontally moving platform, the player will stay with it assuming no external forces are applied to either
  • Auto-graphic: determines the correct graphic based on size

Cheese & cheese doors

  • Cheese doesn't animate until the player touches it, then it blinks, animates and moves a little before following the player
  • All cheese collected forms a long tail behind the player until a checkpoint is reached and the cheese line moves to the checkpoint rat.
  • Added more locked doors to improve difficulty progression
  • The cheese needed (#/32) text doesn't show until a locked door is touched
  • When a locked door is touched the amount needed appears above the door and then...
    • If the player doesn't have the amount required the text moves towards the cornercheese counter UI and changes it to ([Cheese Collected]/[Cheese Needed])
    • If the player has the required amount the screen shakes, the door opens (via kill()) and the amount needed text dissapears
  • Added vertical locked doors


  • Camera zooms in on rats while they talk. Iunno I thought it looked cool.


  • Spikes no longer use a box for a hitshape, the collision matches the traignle graphic

Level changes

  • Adjusted many gaps and jumpable spots to account for the new movement settings and abilities
  • Moved the long downward pit to a later point in the level, and the 4 cheese fall jump tutorial earlier
  • Made the first moving platform visible
  • Made the other invisible platforms stop until the player lands on them, and gave (subtle) hints to their location
  • Added a locked door to block the top left area, opens at 36
  • Added a locked door to block the top right area, opens at 24
  • changed the exit door to require 48
  • Blocked off the top left from the top right to reduce confusion. The only way to exit the top right is through the same entrance.
  • Made the downward pit harder and give more cheese
  • Made the TopLeft's final downward fall harder but hopefully more clear

To Do

  • Save progress
  • Tweaks to Top middle area difficulty
  • Add bushes and wall decals for flavor


  • (?) make ending level in ogmo, where player can move around and see credits and player stats
  • Reveal total cheese count, allow them to go back and get more
  • Enable speedrun mode

Minimap (Maybe)

  • Generate a minimap substate from the ogmo level data. show it when they press a button.
  • Show areas they have been
  • Reveal hidden platforms when they come back from the ending