
A tsunami/Eartquake predicting system by studiying wavws.

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A tsunami/Earthquake predicting system by studiying waves/vibrations.


The initiative behind this project is possibly predict Tsunamies and earthquake by studiying the patterns in sea waves.


From what we know earthquakes are caused by either by sudden movements of teteonic plates along fault lines or by strong volcanic eruptions and when these events occur in the sea or near the coastline they may cause tsunamies. Studies shows that when pressure builds up between tectonic plates they release vibrations around the epicenter hours or even days before an erruption/eartquakes.
Studiying these vibrataions helps in predicting earthquakes before hand . Since these vibrations are produced from an epicenter the vibrations will be circular in nature , So all you have to do is to keep an tab on circular waves. But unfortunately when these epicenters are on land these vibrations are too thin to detect and there are many other things which produces circular waves. So this method is too noisy to be conducted on land. However when thes vibration occur in sea or on costal areas they are a bit easy to detect any there are not many other things which produces circular waves and they can easilybe distungished.


we steup vibration/wave sensing devices in a matrix either floating on the waves or on the sea bed :-
The X marks a sensor , A matrix of sensors is placed in the above formats and the readings from them continously monitored and following things are noted:-

  • if the sensors in the same raw or column shows variations at the same time it is a straight wave produced by wind.
  • if not we check wheather it is round wave or not by the following method :-
    - If the a particular sensor shows values-for examples if sensor in raw 0 and column 0 shows values, We would check the near by sensors ( raw 1 column 0 and column 1 raw 0), By analysing these 3 sensors we could understand if it is a circular wavw
    -There will be many causes for circular waves in sea, such as Dolphins and other fissues:-
    - this can be neglected by further analysing the syncorny of the waves. Waves made by fishes won't come from the same epicenter for long.
  • If an array of circular waves come from an epicenter continously for a long period of time we can predict that it is a sign for an upcoming tsunami.

Hence using this technique we are able to predict Tsunamies hours in advance.