
Image Recognition Based on Pytorch and Django. And Use IDE Pycharm.

Primary LanguagePython


Image Recognition Based on Pytorch and Django. And Use IDE Pycharm.

How to download and Execute this project

  1. Install virtualenv using the pip Module.
  2. Make Virtual Environment Project and make sure you have to name your own project.
  3. Install Django 3 and type this "django-admin startproject your_project_name"
  4. This is your choice, but it is better to have your own Application. If you want to make your own Application, type this "django-admin startapp your_app_name"
  5. Connect your Project to Application.
  6. Before you start this project, make sure you have to migrate your own project. To migrate your project, Type this "python manage.py migrate".
  7. To execute Web Application, Type this "python mange.py runserver". you can change your Port Number. like this "python manage.py runsever 8001".

When you got stock in "git error: failed to push some refs to remote"

  1. git pull --rebase origin master
  2. git push origin master

Installing TorchVision with Anaconda Navigator or Anaconda Prompt

  1. conda install -c pytorch
  2. conda install -c pytorch torchvision