{A webpage that shows what we do as an organization}, {22/11/21}

By {List of contributors}


{This application has various purpose which include knowing how design works , and web development of a page which one may want to create and a simple and small detail about product management concerning your business goal. }

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone the repo {git clone https://george-gichuru.github.io/makaveli/
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format {Leave nothing to chance! This code does not depend on nothing which my bring problems?}

Live link


Known Bugs

{I beleive that this application contains no bugs. }

Technologies Used

{This application uses the English language and to create this code i have used amazing technologies as HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and also jquery and bootsrap for its styling abd other functionalities.}

Support and contact details

{This application will allow you to reach us in the contact section and we will be able to support you.}


{Determine the license under which this application can be used.  See below for more details on licensing.} This is under the MIT license Copyright (c) {year} {List of contributors or company name}