
Primary LanguageJavaScript

{The Akan Naming System}

{Determine your name based on day of the week you were born}, {15/11/21}

By {List of contributors}


{This is a website one can use to determine your name based on the day of the week you were born.Its called the akan naming, Its a system from ghana which is oftenly used,You can try it yourself!! }

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone the repo {git clone }
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format {The site is easy for you to understand, one just needs to follow the instructions carefully and answer what is needed below. After filling in your answers click on the "get akan name" and your response should be ready.}

Live link

Known Bugs

{I believe their is no issue with the site. }

Technologies Used

{I used English for this site but the names are in ghanian.The languages and styles is the Html,css and javscript which helped in setting up this code}

Support and contact details

{If having any issues feel free to contact me and if someone who is willing to give support in any way im available.}


{Determine the license under which this application can be used.  See below for more details on licensing.} This is under the MIT license Copyright (c) {year} {List of contributors or company name}