
A simple and generic string manipulation library for C++

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

WARNING: This library is incomplete and the code hasn't been fully reviewed or approved by anyone. The present implementation may work as intended for myself but use it at your own risk, especially if you plan on using it with 3rd party strings such as folly:String, AWS::String or QString


A basic string manipulation library for C++, implemented in a single header file for ease of inclusion.

I find myself re-writting certain string operations again and again because the std, sadly enough, doesn't have enough "high level" funcions/methods for its string types. This is a somewhat generic library meant to remove string operation boilerplate from code by providing decently efficient, side-effect free, string operations.

If you wish to request some functionality be added to the library feel free to open an issue or make a pull request with the desired function interface (or even implementation, if you have the time).


To download:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/George3d6/striga/master/striga.h

Now simply include striga.h in your project, the library is composed only of this one header.

Use the functions in the namepsace striga and the namespace striga::mut if you want the mutable versions of the functions.

Example usage:

#include "striga.h"
#include <string>
#include <queue>

int main() {

/// striga::split
std::string test1{"I shall be split at whitespace"};
std::deque<std::string> container1 = striga::split<std::deque>(test1, " ");
for(const auto& element : container1) {
    std::cout << element << std::endl;

    //Readme example
    /// striga::remove && striga::replace
    std::wstring test2{L"I don't need the word need, I need the word greed"};
    auto result_replace = striga::replace(test2, L"need", L"greed");
    std::wcout << result_replace << std::endl;

    std::u16string test3{u"I don't need the word need"};
    auto result_remove = striga::remove(test3, u"need");
    assert(result_remove == u"I don't  the word ");

    /// striga::trim_left && striga::trim_right
    std::u32string trimme = U"   I have 3 whitespaces in the beginging";
    auto trimed = striga::trim_left(trimme, U" ");
    assert(trimed == U"I have 3 whitespaces in the beginging");

    /// striga::to_uppercase_ASCII && striga::to_lowercase_ASCII
    std::string uplow{"ab12cD"};
    assert(striga::to_uppercase_ASCII(uplow) == std::string{"AB12CD"});
    assert(striga::to_lowercase_ASCII(uplow) == std::string{"ab12cd"});

    //Doesn't work for greek, cyrillic... etc :/ (Yet)
    std::string greek{"αβΓΘ"};
    auto upper_greek = striga::to_uppercase_ASCII(greek);
    assert(upper_greek == std::string{"αβΓΘ"});
    auto lower_greek = striga::to_lowercase_ASCII(greek);
    assert(lower_greek == std::string{"αβΓΘ"});

    /// striga::join_container
    std::vector<std::string> container{"I", "contain", "stuff"};
    assert(striga::join_container(container, " ") == "I contain stuff" );

    /// striga::contains
    assert(striga::contains(std::string{"I contain A"}, "A"));

State of implementation

Currently the library is unfinished, I don't have enough testcases for it, the documentation is basically just the tests&examples and a few lines of comments... I will work on fixing this as I build more functionality.

I'm also quite certain some algorithms need improving... but for that I will have to write benchmarks and that's a whole other can of worms I will have to open.

Any contribution in the form of code or reviews is more than weclome, I mainly placed this here in the hopes of getting some code review.

Currently the library is quite small so I think compilation time is not a problem and I can leave it as a header only, rather than annoying people with including and implementation.

Currently the main.cpp file represents the test suite for the library and the striga.h represents the library itself