Emacs for Julia on macOS

Install Xcode

Then, the command line developer tools. Afterwards, accept the Xcode license.

xcode-select --install

xcodebuild -license

Install XQuartz

Then install MacPorts

Add MacPorts to your PATH, optionally first in your PATH

Install git, ripgrep, fd, vterm, tree-sitter, emacs

Add newly installed Emacs to your PATH.

# in your .bashrc or .zshrc
export PATH="/opt/local/bin:$PATH"

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install git
sudo port install ripgrep
sudo port install fd
sudo port install libvterm
sudo port install tree-sitter

sudo port install emacs-mac-app-devel +nativecomp +imagemagick +rsvg +treesitter +metal

export PATH="/Applications/MacPorts/EmacsMac.app/Contents/MacOS:$PATH"

Don't launch emacs yet.

Place this current repo in a directory called doom in ~/.config

Note that this repo is a modified version of one by ronisbr. See this discussion on the Julia Discourse.

git clone https://github.com/George9000/doom_discourse.git ~/.config/doom

Now install doom emacs.

Add its binary directory to the PATH.

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs ~/.config/emacs

~/.config/emacs/bin/doom install

export PATH="/Users/your_user/.config/emacs/bin"

After install, launch /Applications/MacPorts/EmacsMac.app

Note that on first launch, emacs will compile for a while (native compilation).

One can monitor the status of compilation by looking at ibuffer (C-x C-b)

When compilation is finished, run M-x nerd-icons-install-fonts for correct icon display on the modeline.

Then, M-x vterm and answer yes to install and compile.

Then quit emacs.

doom sync

launch EmacsMac.app

Open a .jl file, respond 'yes' to download treesitter, allow compilation. Then quit Emacs, doom sync.

Correct ibuffer behavior.

Edit ~/.config/emacs/modules/emacs/ibuffer/config.el

On line 49: move the last parenthesis to a new line. Then comment out line 49. Result as shown below.

; (define-key ibuffer-mode-map [remap ibuffer-visit-buffer] #'+ibuffer/visit-workspace-buffer)

A Julia Workflow

Add the following packages to your global julia environment:

Revise, SymbolServer, LanguageServer


In ~.julia/config/startup.jl have the following:

using Pkg
if isfile("Project.toml") && isfile("Manifest.toml")
    using Revise
catch e
    @warn "Error initializing Revise" exception=(e, catch_backtrace())

println(":" * pwd())

# if one installs python3 with MacPorts...
# alternate location for package dev
#ENV["JULIA_PKG_DEVDIR"] = "/Users/user_name/Documents/julia/dev"

For each julia project or exploration, make a self-contained package.

julia --eval 'using Pkg; Pkg.generate("testpackage")'
cd testpackage
julia --eval 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()'

touch exploration.jl
echo using testpackage >> exploration.jl 

git init .
git add Project.toml
git add exploration.jl
git add src/
git commit -m 'Initial'

Now write functions in src/testpackage.jl. These will be run in exploration.jl

In doom emacs, one can add a project directory using SPC p a. (A directory with a git repo will be recognized as a project.)

Now switch to the project using SPC p p

Open exploration.jl

Start the language server with SPC c l w s

SPC c D for jump to reference is quite useful.

C-c C-c will execute a line in exploration.jl and open a separate frame with a REPL.

SPC SPC should bring up a list of project files.

SPC b l is handy to go back to the last buffer in the project.