
Small app to display ads fetched from API.

Primary LanguageSwift


This is a simple app to display ads imported from a json script through the use of URLSession. Once this data has been received, it is displayed in a collection view where a user may select which ads to save for later. I used the pod SDWebImage to display and cached images. I used NSCoding for local storage and saves ads for viewing offline at a later date.


I beleive I could have used key value coding to reference saved ads to the main ad array as this would scale with more random input of arrays and some of my efficiency could have been improved.

How to Use

To add a favourite, just click on the ad you like and it is saved in your favourites tab. Then hit the switch and this should take you to your favourites. To remove a favourite, simply click on the favourite you want to remove and it will be removed on both views.


  • George Bonnici-Carter