
Push SARIF output to JIRA Cloud and track project progress in JIRA

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python project to push SARIF output to JIRA Cloud and track progress of personal projects in JIRA

Project Status: In Active Development


  1. Requires a JIRA Cloud account
    • Access to the Authentication Email and API token

Work items

  1. Use rich-text (Atlassian Document Format) in JIRA Issue description

    Note: This feature is gated with the config parameter use_atlassian_document_format in the config.json file. Set to true to use this feature. :warning: Bug: Atlassian does not accept ADF rich-text formatted description, rather dumps JSON in the issue description. Needs triage and bug fix.

  2. Create sub-tasks instead of multi-lines in the JIRA Issue description

    Note: This feature is not implemented yet and will be gated with the config parameter create_sub_tasks in the config.json file. Set to true to build and test this feature.


  1. Copy the config.json.example file into config.json
  2. Update the configuration values, both input and jira sections of the config.json file
  3. Run this Python script in a directory where the SARIF files are located
  4. The Python script iterates through the SARIF files (files ending with .sarif extension or has the term .sarif in the filename) and creates JIRA Issues on your JIRA Cloud instance

This script has not been tested with the self-hosted instances of JIRA


config.json Config Environment variable Description
input["type"] input_type Supported SARIF input types: file
input["format"] input_format Supported SARIF format: sarif
jira["cloud_url"] jira_cloud_url JIRA Cloud URL: https://XXXX.atlassian.net/
jira["project_key"] jira_project_key JIRA Project Key: PROJ-XYZ
jira["auth_email"] jira_auth_email Authentication Email: test@example.com
jira["api_token"] jira_api_token API token: <INSERT-YOUR-JIRA-CLOUD-API-TOKEN>
jira["default_issue_labels"] jira_default_issue_labels For config.json - ["Label1","Label2"]. For config environment variables, we use comma-separated string like Label1,Label2
jira["use_atlassian_document_format"] jira_use_atlassian_document_format Unsupported yet on JIRA Cloud. Defaults to false.
jira["create_sub_tasks"] jira_create_sub_tasks Placeholder. Feature yet to be developed. Defaults to false.

Tool Compatibility

Tools Link Status
cfn-lint aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint
trivy aquasecurity/trivy

GitHub Actions

    - name: Create JIRA tickets from SARIF
      uses: GeorgeDavis-Ibexlabs/publish-sarif-to-jira@v0.0.9

Refer to Create JIRA tickets from SARIF using GitHub Actions

🚧 Work in progress

  • VSCode Extension

    Plans to build this project into a VSCode extension to submit SARIF output to JIRA direct from the IDE and track progress

Upcoming features

Feature requests are currently tracked by the original author within the source code. Clone this repository, run a search for the term "TODO" to find the list of new features being tracked.

  1. Create sub-tasks instead of multi-lines in the JIRA Issue description
  2. Fully support Atlassian Document Format (ADF). Currently, a bug is limiting the ADF from appearing formatted when visiting the JIRA Issue on JIRA Cloud
  3. Create a JIRA Project if the project does not exist (Nice to have so it can be deployed per project all from CI/CD without the need to access JIRA Cloud)


If you encounter a bug or think of a useful feature, or find something confusing in the docs, please create a new issue.

I ♥️ pull requests. If you'd like to fix a bug or contribute to a feature or simply correct a typo, please feel free to do so.

If you're thinking of adding a new feature, consider opening an issue first to discuss it to ensure it aligns with the direction of the project and potentially save yourself some time.


docker login
docker build --no-cache --progress=plain . -f Dockerfile -t publish-sarif-to-jira:latest 2>&1 | tee build.log
docker run --network host -itd \
--env-file .env \