
At its largest dimensions, the display is used for other applications such as transport companies to display plate number and platform to be loaded, for example. Another application is at ferry crossings to display time to wait for the ferry for example. It is to remember that these type of displays can show any images, texts and animation as they have more pixels.

Metrici LED Display could and was indeed used as a Radar warning sign to alert the drivers on public roads about their actual speed and is very effective in determining the offenders to slow down.

It is also used with Metrici LPR Parking Module to show free parking spaces for a parking lot or a section of it.

The larger LED Display has around 65x33 cm and is 8 cm deep.

It can show 1, 2 or 3 rows of text with up to 12 characters each. All parameters can be changed from its own web interface. It also has WiFi and 10/100 Ethernet communication

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