
Rackspace Heat template to deploy a single server with Grafana

Primary LanguageShell


This template deploys a Grafana server pointed to Rackspace Cloud Metrics as a backend.


pip install python-heatclient

We recommend installing the client within a Python virtual environment.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to deploy this template using the python-heatclient:

heat \
  --os-username <OS-USERNAME> \
  --os-password <OS-PASSWORD> \
  --os-tenant-id <TENANT-ID> \
  --os-auth-url https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/ \
  stack-create mygrafanadashboard -f grafana.yaml \
  -P rax_tenant=$RAX_TENANT_ID \
  -P rax_username=$RAX_USER_NAME \
  -P rax_apikey=$RAX_API_KEY \
  • For UK customers, use https://lon.identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/ as the --os-auth-url.

Optionally, set environment variables to avoid needing to provide these values every time a call is made:



Parameters can be replaced with your own values when standing up a stack. Use the -P flag to specify a custom parameter.

  • rax_tenant: The Rackspace tenant ID the grafana server will use. This is the numeric id for the user, not the username.
  • rax_username: The Rackspace username the grafana server will use.
  • rax_apikey: The API key for the Rackspace user the grafana server will use. You can find this by logging in to mycloud.rackspace.com and navigating to the 'Accounts Settings' page (https://mycloud.rackspace.com/cloud/<rax_tenant>/account#settings)
  • host_name: (optional) Domain to be used for the grafana sever. Note that you must set up this domain separately: the template does not register the domain for you.
  • apache_auth_user: (optional) User name used to authenticate into Apache. Default username: 'grafana'.
  • flavor . Cloud Server flavor (size) to use. Default flavor: '2GB Standard Instance'.
  • es_version. Elastsearch version to use. Default Elasticsearch version: '1.3.4'.
  • gr_version. Grafana version to use. Default Grafana version: '1.8.1'.


Once a stack comes online, use heat output-list to see all available outputs. Use heat output-show <OUTPUT NAME> to get the value fo a specific output.

  • private_key: SSH private that can be used to login as root to the servers.
  • public_ip: IP of the server created with this deployment.
  • apache_auth_user: basic http auth username (default: 'grafana').
  • apache_auth_password: basic http auth password.

For multi-line values, the response will come in an escaped form. To get rid of the escapes, use echo -e '<STRING>' > file.txt. For vim users, a substitution can be done within a file using %s/\\n/\r/g.

Stack Details

The application is deployed Capistrano-style in the home directory of the rails user in a directory based on the name of the git repo.

Gems dependencies are installed by running a bundle install --deployment in the application directory. This requires a Gemfile.lock in the application repo.

Two rake tasks are run at deployment time: rake db:migrate followed by rake assets:precompile. Additional rake tasks will be run if provided.

If you are using unicorn it must be declared in the application's Gemfile.

A unicorn.rb file is generated and placed in the application's config directory along with a database.yml file configured to reference the deployment's database server.


For contributions to the Rackspace Cloud Metrics backend store that powers this dashboard, please refer to the Blueflood project. More information at http://blueflood.io and on IRC on Freenode on the #blueflood channel.

For contributions to this template, pull requests are always welcome and will be reviewed as quickly as possible.

For all Heat-related contributions, please note thtat there are substantial changes still happening within the OpenStack Heat project. Template contribution guidelines will be drafted in the near future.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.