Android app made in Java with Android Studio.

Primary LanguageJava

My Points Of Interest

This is project is an implementation of the first assignment of the lecture "Current Topics of Software Engineering". The goal was to make an Android Application that would save Points Of Interest based on location.

How it Works

Every P.O.I. (Point Of Interest) has five attributes:

  • Title
  • Category
  • Description
  • Timestamp
  • Location (Latitude, Longitude)

The P.O.I.s are saved to a local database, and then, the user will be able to scroll through them. The user must be able to perform at least the following actions:

  • Add a P.O.I.
  • Edit a P.O.I.
  • Remove a P.O.I.
  • See All P.O.I.s
  • Search for a P.O.I.

Since the application is using the phone's location to work, the students should use the right permission requests.