
golang identicon lib + command line printing tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript



After checking with the official docker golang container releases, I can say with some confidence idicon works with golang versions 1.2+.

go get github.com/GeorgeMac/idicon/cmd/idicon

See: idicon command for command usage.

lib usage

Basically this:

generator, err := icon.NewGenerator(5, 5)
if err != nil {
    // handle error

// use the generator for a given string input
icn := generator.Generate(`GeorgeMac`)

// print svg string representation

icon.NewGenerator(...) Usage

NewGenerator produces a idicon icon generator struct for producing *icon.Icon It takes a width, height and an variadic set of options.

type option func(g *Generator) error

func NewGenerator(width, height int, options ...option) *Generator { ... }

Current available options include:

icon.UseHash(h hash.Hash) // Defaults to crypto.Sha1.New
icon.LinearDistribution // Different way of indexing flipped bits
icon.With(props icon.Props) // SVG output properties

icon.Props{} Usage

type Props struct {
	BaseColour   *colour.Colour
	Palette      colour.Palette
	Size         int
	Padding      int
	BorderRadius int
  1. BaseColour - background colour
  2. Palette - colour palette for deriving svg square colours
  3. Size - width/height of an individual svg square
  4. Padding - padding around the svg grid of squares
  5. BorderRadius - for those pretty curved corners