Modified GoPhish

This is a GoPhish repository with its arguments and parameters obfuscated and altered.


Clone repository

git clone
cd Modified-GoPhish
sudo apt-get install docker docker-compose

Change the variable in files with the name <DOMAIN_HERE> by entering your domain name e.g. (config.json, default.conf, docker-compose.yml)

Build GoPhish Docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t gophish_mod .


Spin up the nginx - letsencrypt container to generate the SSL certificates (wait couple of minutes!)

docker-compose up -d swag

Spin up the gophish container

docker-compose up -d gophish

To find the GoPhish password check the container logs

docker-compose logs --tail=100 -f gophish

Access the management site of GoPhish by navigating to (username: admin):
