
Package to simplify creating simple synthetic image datasets. You specify the background and foreground objects, the package does the rest.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Approach this by creating a bounding box around a single png (e.g. just around the object), apply position based augmentations, then stick it on a background. This is the way to get as much help as possible from Albumentations.



Made the mistake of trying to find my own way to shift annotations and foreground images at once. Augmentation packages will definitely already have better methods to support this https://albumentations.ai/docs/getting_started/mask_augmentation/

Still trying to see if anyone else has done this and tidied it up to be useable, https://www.kaggle.com/code/mayukh18/stitch-boxes-augmentation/notebook this notebook seems to do similar if I interpret it rightly. They call it stitch-boxes. Not sure if they get the details right for how you combine overlapping annotations / if it supports segmentations.


NB: Possible that BlenderProc offers all this in a much more powerful way. I just couldn't get it going on my laptop and wanted to start experimenting.

You specify the background and foreground objects, range of feasible positions, and the package does the rest.

A great way to deal with correlated components (my made up name for when a visual property distracts a computer vision model from what it's meant to learn). What I mean by this is metadata (like a watermark) which correlates with the true classes, but not always.


Pasting Rules

  • Define all the reasonable positions for an object to be with a function e.g. x2 + y2 < 3 or similar
  • Would be great if you could freehand / poly draw a region of an image, upon which the items can be placed, with something like label-studio.

Cutting out PNGs and getting annotations

Want to then be able to repaste the below elsewhere from the polygon label.




ML integrations


Just integrate imgaug or albumentations. Aim to leave the choice to the user. This package can be augmentation agnostic.

  • Rotate
  • Add noise
  • Flip
  • Resize
  • Rotate
  • Change brightness