- 2
[BUG] Warn when player joins
#16 opened by Outlander87 - 4
[BUG] Error occurred while enabling plugin
#15 opened by prefislt - 1
Wiki Bug
#14 opened by Deveroonie - 11
VoteRewards #29 failed
#8 opened by GeorgeV220 - 7
Daily Votes (ex: [BUG] (Solved) Could not pass VotifierEvent to VoteRewards v4.3.2)
#5 opened by DarkKingKaan - 10
[BUG] Cannot disable Reminder
#12 opened by pokemonrocks9 - 17
[BUG] Plugin gives incorrect player at vote
#13 opened by prefislt - 2
#11 opened by prototype464 - 5
- 1
Adding vote sites
#6 opened by ProGitHubUser - 2
Votetop footer and placeholders.
#4 opened by RealBarthold - 0
- 2
Votetop and Lucky Vote
#1 opened by Builder45