
CS3528 Software Engineering project

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CS3528 Software Engineering project

Anton Trnovsky, Yiannis Keravnos, Martin Woznicki and Georgi Velikov

Application demo


Application video ad + demo



  • Python 3.x
  • coverage==4.5.2
  • dj-database-url==0.5.0
  • Django==2.0.10
  • django-countries==5.3.3
  • django-crispy-forms==1.7.2
  • django-nested-admin==3.1.3
  • gunicorn==19.9.0
  • javascript==2015.32.59
  • postgres==2.2.2
  • psycopg2==2.8
  • psycopg2-binary==
  • python-monkey-business==1.0.0
  • pytz==2018.9
  • six==1.12.0
  • whitenoise==4.1.2
  • openpyxl==2.6.2

Source added libraries, found in /static:

  • feather.js (buttons!)
  • jquery.formset.js (helper functions for multi model forms/views)
  • fusioncharts library (graphs, charts, maps)
    • fusioncharts maps extension
  • jquery.selection.js

How to run:

  • make sure all requirements are met (installed)
  • clone the repo
  • open a terminal and go to root
  • write "py manage.py runserver"
  • open a browser and go to localhost:8000

update: 27/04/2019