A web plaftorm for managing land properties and transactions (e.g rentals) between users.
Project was created as a capstone for a private coding school attended by the authors. Project serves mainly educational and exhibition scope.
Project team set a number of functionalities and specifications for the project in order to present a modern user friendly web platform
- Dynamic Web pages
- Multiple-level user roles with different administration rights [admin, mod, user]
- Multiple user roles with different usage rights and content access [owner, tenant, both, guest]
- Localized in english and greek (native language of authors)
- Messages chat between users
- On line payment
- Register and login with third party application (eg social media)
- Providing feedback to user through email
- Inspection tools (health of application, workload etc)
- Implement design patterns
- Maintenable and clean code
- Object oriented back end implementation
- Complete and clear documentation (through comments, java docs etc)
- Optimize services
- Strong validation in each layer (front, back, database) and through different scenarios of manipulation
- Serve large data object (eg images) through cloud file server
- Java SE 8
- Java EE 8
- Web Sockets
- JavaMail
- Spring MVC/ Spring Boot (Tomcat Server)
- Actuator Development tool
- Spring Security
- Oauth API (Facebook, GitHub, Google)
- JPA/Hibernate/Spring Data
- JPA configuration
- JPA Auditing
- Naming Strategy
- Thymeleaf
- Html 5/ CSS 3
- JQuery
- History API
- Built with Maven tool
Under GNU License