A simple C++ maze game , with support for multiple players.
- Make sure ncurses is installed.
- cd to the directory containing the games files.
- compile the game with
g++ *.cpp $(ncursesw5-config --cflags --libs) -o maze.out
- run the game with
./maze.out maze.txt
- Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to stay the same place.
- The goal is to get to the crystal
- The game is simple and easy to play.
- Support for custom mazes given as an argument.
- Support for multiple players and ai players.
- Default config:
- 1 keyboard controlled player. (H symbol)
- 4 ai controlled player. (L,D,S,V symbols)
- Default config:
- Uses ncurses to display & interact with the game.
- Ncurses is configured to support unicode.