
A Vanilla web component to wrap copy-able text/html elements and add their inner text to the clipboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Vanilla web component to wrap copy-able text/html elements and add their inner text to the clipboard.

Screenshot of the copy component
  • Zero dependencies
  • Browser support: Modern, requires support for Web Component APIs (v1).
  • Limitation: In order to ensure that formatting can be copied this component requires you to [wrap your copyable content in a single element)[#limitations].

Live Demos


// assumes resolving from node_modules or import as a esm module in your html.
import "copy-component";

Wrap html elements for example some pre formatted code:

  <pre><code class="language-js">
  console.log("some code")
  <button slot="button">Copy</button>



  • copy - Fired on copy success
  • copy-failed - Fired on copy failed
document.querySelector("copy-component").addEventListener("copy", () => {
  // do something e.g. change your button text to "Copied"


In order to preserve the formatting of copied content you must wrap your content you want to copy in single parent dom node i.e.

    <p>Stuff to copy</p>
    <br />
    <p>Copy me too!</p>
  <button slot="button">Copy me!</button>


  <p>Stuff to copy</p>
  <br />
  <p>Copy me too!</p>
  <button slot="button">Copy me!</button>

This is due to how shadow dom works, it is not possible to get the formatted inner text of a single slot without also getting the text of the other slots (e.g. the button slot).

Programmatic API

Because this is a web component it can expose properties on the html element that can be accessed by javascript.

Say you have the following html without a copy button, you could trigger copying via code.

  <pre><code class="language-js">
  console.log("some code")

like so:

await document.querySelector("copy-component").copy();

Load from CDN:

<script type="module">
  import copyComponent from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/copy-component";

Use within a static site generator: