- Download and extract Three JS package from: https://threejs.org/
- Create a folder called CGLabs
- Open that folder in vscode and create a subfolder called 'js'
- Copy 'three.js' from the 'ThreeJS/build' folder into 'js'
- Create index.html in CGLabs [by default vscode uses emmet to generate html snipets]
- Download 'Live Server extension' in vs code [live server provides local server live-runtime for static apps]
- Download Javascript ES6/ES7 extension
- Download Javascript Babel extension
- Create lab for each lab to develop threejs apps inside the labs folder
- Insert the labs js scripts into index.html and load using live server
- Install nodejs for your operating system [https://nodejs.org/en/download/]
- In the vscode terminal run the commands:
sudo apt install node
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
- In the vscode terminal run the command:
npm init -y
[This command will generate the package.json file for your project]
- In the vscode terminal run the command:
npm install @types/three
[This command will install the ThreeJS definition module in vscode]