A web app certification provider system with multiple roles.
To run this project, complete the below steps:
Step 1: In order to set the security password as a local environment variable, run the below command in the command prompt as Administrator.
setx SECRET "SuperServerPassword" /M
Step 2: Restart your computer.
Step 3: Create and seed database locally, open package manager and run below command.
Step 4: Start backend application.
Step 5: Manually register Admin, Marker, Quality Control and Candidate roles using Postman. Import the necessary JSON files, included in the Register_Users.postman_collection.json.
Step 6: Install necessary React.js packages and run application
cd frontend/user-interface
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm start
- Access to Certificate EShop
- Purchase certificates with credit-based system
- Schedule exams at their discretion with issused voucher after purchase
- Take exam and receive instantly the preliminary results from the automated marking system
- After marking is finalized, candidates can access their acquired certificates
- Full CRUD ability for candidates, certificates, topics, exams and questions.
- Has full access to all data
- Delegate marking tasks to markers
- Approve or disqualify results given by automated marking system of assigned exams
- Read-only access to all data
- Candidate --> username: candidate / password: candidate
- Admin --> username: admin / password: admin
- Marker --> username: marker / password: marker
- Quality Control --> username: qualitycontrol / password: qualitycontrol
- .NET 6 / ASP.NET Core 6 Web API
- Identity Authentication / JWT Token
- EF Core 6
- React.js
- CKEditor
- Axios
- AutoMapper
- Task (Asynchronous Model)
- React-router-dom
- Bootstrap
- Bootswatch
- DualListBox