

  • Nodejs (at least v5)
  • npm


  • Navigate to your project folder
  • Install dependencies npm install
  • Install jshint & jscs (in the project or globally). npm install jscs -g npm install jshint -g
  • Install pg ( as the Postgres client npm install pg --save
  • Install giphy-api ( for making the API calls to giphy npm install giphy-api --save
  • Install Supertest npm install supertest --save-dev
  • Install Mocha npm install mocha --save-dev
  • Install should npm install should --save-dev
  • Install assert npm install assert --save-dev

Run the app:

  • Run migrations on your postgres instance DATABASE_URL={YOUR_POSTGRES_DATABASE_URL} npm run migrations


This API should query the giphy API for any provided query string. This data should be cached on a PostgreSQL database using the provided migrations and schemas.

  • The ./lib/handlers/giphinate.js handler calls the giphy API and return the first GIF URL in the response. The data is cached in the PostgreSQL database so the next time the same query is used, the GIF URL is returned from the database instead of the Giphy API.
  • A DELETE route and controller deletes the record associated with the query text sent up.
  • A INSERT route and controller inserts a new record if the query is new.
  • A GET route and controller returns the gif url if the query is existent.
  • A set of tests for each endpoint have been included in the ./lib/tests/unit.js.

Implementation details:

  • I have used ElephantSQL as the Postgres instance. The Db url is: postgres://

  • Depending on your NodeJs version, you might run in an issue when first running the code: deprecated bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares

  • In order to solve this issue include in the ./index.js file the following: app.use(bodyParser.json()) app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}))

  • I ran jscs and jshint on ./index.js and on the files contained in ./lib/handlers.

  • For unit test coverage, Mocha, the JavaScript test framework ( + Supertest ( are used. There are a number of unit tests are placed in the ./lib/tests/unit.js file. See the steps below on how to run the tests.

Run the unit tests:

  • In a terminal window (iTerm) go to the project folder and start the app using: cd YOUR_FOLDER_PATH DATABASE_URL={YOUR_POSTGRES_DATABASE_URL} npm run migrations
  • Open a new terminal window (iTerm) and go to the path of the cloned folder using the command: cd YOUR_FOLDER_PATH
  • Go to the tests folder using the command: cd lib/tests
  • Run the tests using: mocha unit

See below the steps on how to test the API using Postman: