Book Shop - ASP.NET Core - Project

CSharpWebAdvanced-CourseProject-June2023 @SoftUni

Project Description

Book Shop is a course-project @SoftUni designed for selling books online.

Database Diagram


Used Technologies

Images From The Application

  • All Books Page

On this page as a user you can search or filter your books and go on another page also see book details, add them to your favorites collection or add them to your shopping cart.


  • All Books Page / Admin

On this page as an admin your privilege is that you can delete or edit book.


  • Details Book Page

On this you can see your book in details like description of the book.


  • Details Book Page / Admin

On this you can see your book in details like description of the book also as an admin you can edit or delete your book.


  • Add Book Page / Admin

This page can be accessed only by admin for adding books.


  • Favorites Books Page

On this page a user can see his books that he likes and wants to buy some day.


  • All Users Page

On this page an administrator can see all users and control them.


  • Shopping Cart Page

On this page a user can clear his cart or proceed to pay he can update the quantity of a book with effect of the final price also he can delete only one book if he likes to.


  • Delete Pop Up / Admin

Here an admin can decide whether or not to delete a book.


  • Login / Register


  • Navigation bar - User


  • Navigation bar - Admin



In order to create admin you have to register user with the following email address- "" then in the url you have to search: "/User/CreateRoles", "/User/AddUsersToRoles"


Miroslav Georgiev

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