
.NET HttpClient integration tests made easy.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


.NET HttpClient integration tests made easy.

HttpRecorder is an HttpMessageHandler that can record and replay HTTP interactions through the standard HttpClient . This allows the creation of HTTP integration tests that are fast, repeatable and reliable.

Interactions are recorded using the HTTP Archive format standard, so that they are easily manipulated by your favorite tool of choice.

License Build Status Nuget

Getting Started

Install the package:

Install-Package HttpRecorder

Here is an example of an integration tests using HttpRecorder (the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler):

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using HttpRecorder;
using Xunit;

namespace Sample
    public class SampleIntegrationTests
        public async Task ItShould()
            // Initialize the HttpClient with the recorded file
            // stored in a fixture repository.
            var client = CreateHttpClient();

            // Performs HttpClient operations.
            // The interaction is recorded if there are no record,
            // or replayed if there are
            // (without actually hitting the target API).
            // Fixture is recorded in the SampleIntegrationTestsFixtures\ItShould.har file.
            var response = await client.GetAsync("api/user");

            // Performs assertions.
            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

        private HttpClient CreateHttpClient(
            [CallerMemberName] string testName = "",
            [CallerFilePath] string filePath = "")
            // The location of the file where the interaction is recorded.
            // We use the C# CallerMemberName/CallerFilePath attributes to
            // automatically set an appropriate path based on the test case.
            var interactionFilePath = Path.Join(

            // Initialize the HttpClient with HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler, which
            // records and replays the interactions.
            // Do not forget to set the InnerHandler property.
            return new HttpClient(
                new HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler(interactionFilePath) { InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler() })
                BaseAddress = new Uri("https://reqres.in/"),


Record mode

The HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler can be run in different modes:

  • Auto: Default mode - replay the interactions if the recording exists, otherwise record it.
  • Record: Always record the interaction, even if a record is present.
  • Replay: Always replay the interaction, throw if there is no recording.
  • Passthrough: Always passes the request/response down the line, without any interaction

Just use the appropriate mode in the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler constructor.

The mode can also be overridden using the environment variable HTTP_RECORDER_MODE. If this is set to any valid HttpRecorderMode value, it will override the mode set in the code, except if this mode is HttpRecorderMode.Passthrough. This is useful when running in a CI environment and you want to make sure that no request goes out and all interactions are properly committed to the codebase.

Customize the matching behavior

By default, matching of the recorded requests is done by comparing the HTTP Method and complete Request URI. The first request that match is used and will not be returned again in the current run.

If needed, the matching behavior can be customized using the RulesMatcher:

using HttpRecorder.Matchers;

// Will match requests once in order, without comparing requests.
var matcher = RulesMatcher.MatchOnce;

// Will match requests once only by comparing HTTP methods.
matcher = RulesMatcher.MatchOnce.ByHttpMethod();

// Will match requests multiple times by comparing HTTP methods,
// request uri (excluding the query string) and the X-API-Key header.
matcher = RulesMatcher.MatchMultiple

// Custom matching rule using the provided incoming request
// and a recorded interaction message.
matcher = RulesMatcher.MatchOnce.By((request, message) => ...);

var client = new HttpClient(new HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler("...", matcher: matcher));

Additional customization can be done by providing a custom IRequestMatcher implementation.

Anonymize the records

Sometimes, there are portions of the requests / responses that you don't want recorded (e.g. because of API keys you do not want to commit to the source code repo...).

In this case, you can use the RulesInteractionAnonymizer to perform the substitution.

using HttpRecorder.Anonymizers;

var anonymizer = RulesInteractionAnonymizer.Default

var client = new HttpClient(new HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler("...", anonymizer: anonymizer));

Additional customization can be done by providing a custom IInteractionAnonymizer implementation.


The component comes with extension methods for the HttpClientFactory:


Recorder Context

It is sometime helpful to be able to decoralate the injection of the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler and the Test case setup.

This is especially useful in the context of ASP.NET Core Integration tests.

It is possible to add the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler globally to all HttpClient managed by the IHttpClientFactory, and then to customize the recording in the test case by using the HttpRecorderContext.

Here is how to do it:

// When registering the services, do the following:
// This can be done in the ConfigureWebHost method of the WebApplicationFactory for example.
// It will inject the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler in all HttpClients.

// Then, write your test cases using the following pattern:
public async Task ItShould()
    using var context = new HttpRecorderContext(); // Notice the using pattern here.
    // .. Perform test case. Interactions are recorded and replay as expected :-)

// Additional configuration per HttpClient can be setup as well:
public async Task ItShould()
    using var context = new HttpRecorderContext((sp, builder) =>
            return builder.Name switch // The builder name here is the name of the HttpClient.
                nameof(TypedClient) => new HttpRecorderConfiguration
                    Matcher = RulesMatcher.MatchMultiple,
                nameof(DisabledClient) => new HttpRecorderConfiguration
                    Enabled = false,
                _ => null // Default configuration.
    // .. Perform test case.

Record interaction in external tools

Interaction files can be recorded using your favorite tool (e.g. Fiddler, Google Chrome Inspector, ...).

You only have to export it using the HAR/HTTP Archive format. They can then be used as-is as a test fixture that will be loaded by the HttpRecorderDelegatingHandler.

Customize the storage

Reading/writing the interaction can be customized by providing a custom IInteractionRepository implementation.


Please consult the CHANGELOG for more information about version history.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on the process for contributing to this project.

Be mindful of our Code of Conduct.
