AssertionError: assert current_volume >= 0.0 (SOLVED)
durerimon opened this issue · 1 comments
I have just started working on Anuga and I have been facing the issue while evolving the system through time.
My code:
`Run_hour = (int(parameters['Hour_Interval'][0])*3600) # hour_interval = 2 sands for simulation in every other hour and converted to seconds
Run_day = (int(parameters['Day_Duration'][0])360024) # simulation duration in days and converted into seconds
print (('This simulation will run for %s seconds with %s seconds interval') %(Run_day, Run_hour))
now =
print(('################################# Starting Simulation at %s' %(now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))))
Evolve system through time, yields output every hour for a total of days
for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep=Run_hour, duration=Run_day): #every * hour for * days
if t%Run_hour == 0:
dplotter.save_stage_frame(vmin = -0.5, vmax = 5.0,dpi = 200)
now =
print(('################################# Completed Simulation at %s' %(now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))))`
Run_hour and Run_day are both reading values from a CSV file and both values are 1 at the moment, which stands for a loop of a day with 1-hour interval. The script was working before I when there were only values instead of reading it from an external file, however, even if I change it back, I am getting the same error. I seek advice and I can share my whole work-in-progress model if necessary. I am working on Linux, python 3.
Thank you!
The issue seems to be from my elevation file. I merged 2 dem of 16 and 64 bit. For my case, when I converted dem to 16 bit signed, the merged file then didn't give me any errors.