AnuGA for the simulation of the shallow water equation
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testb anuga bedload transport operator
#283 opened by mikilterribile - 6
the elevation of each vertex in the stage
#282 opened by 842590879 - 0
About anuga_cuda
#281 opened by dili5 - 2
How to change the compilation of c-files to pyd-files
#280 opened by dili5 - 1
The case for cpu parallel computing
#279 opened by dili5 - 3
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Culverts issue
#277 opened by mikilterribile - 13
Vertical river banks
#275 opened by mikilterribile - 2
pyinstaller ERROR
#276 opened by mikilterribile - 1
Dike crest elevations to low
#274 opened by ufloth - 13
anuga erosion/deposition
#272 opened by mikilterribile - 5
anuga Flux inflow big problem
#273 opened by mikilterribile - 1
How to set different types of boundaries
#271 opened by dili5 - 3
fvm code from c
#269 opened by ynzys - 5
How to setup river level in anuga
#270 opened by chooron - 5
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How to use anuga for simulating the downstream impacts of discharging water from a reservoir
#267 opened by chooron - 1
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compile the anuga with python3.6
#220 opened by Dongxueyang - 1
how to set initial flow and rain in mesh
#260 opened by janac4 - 1
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Small triangles in mesh generated
#259 opened by Girishchandra-Yendargaye - 3
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Installation issue: Anuga_parallel with Intel MPI
#248 opened by samcom12 - 1
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Looping hourly rainfall
#253 opened by durerimon - 1
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anuga cannot generate .sww file
#230 opened by Passion-feng - 1
Problem in running
#243 opened by mbelotti-nuk - 1
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Need help to compile Anuga code with Intel compiler and Python3.8 in parallel
#242 opened by samcom12 - 0
Is the code can be used for the simulation of the solute transportation and diffusion?
#240 opened by xuhenry - 1
About the floating and boundary
#237 opened by Dongxueyang - 0
Input files with stl format
#236 opened by Dongxueyang - 7
run the code on multi-node platform
#231 opened by Dongxueyang - 1
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#227 opened by Dongxueyang - 6
results discussion
#216 opened by Dongxueyang - 1
Potential bug in Inlet_operator
#225 opened by ggiannako - 5
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Regarding stage error
#222 opened by Girishchandra-Yendargaye - 2
Polygon inflow on parallel domain
#210 opened by schoeller - 1
Anuga CUDA
#205 opened by xuhenry - 2
GDAL generated input format
#209 opened by schoeller - 3
#208 opened by Dongxueyang - 0
Should have a array2asc procedure
#207 opened by shivamkalkar - 1
rainfall input files
#206 opened by Dongxueyang - 8