Installation issue: Anuga_parallel with Intel MPI
samcom12 opened this issue · 6 comments
I tried installing Anuga in parallel with Intel MPI. In the documentation, we have used either openmpi or mpich2.
Running tests with Intel MPI fails with signal 9 always.
Any plan for supporting Intel MPI?
with command-
export ANUGA_PARALLEL="openmpi"
Shall I use export ANUGA_PARALLEL="intelmpi" ?
@samcom12 there is a python 3.8 version of anuga. Available as branch anuga_py3. That uses mpi4py. So you should be able to get mpi4py to install using Intel and python 3.8
By the way, the environment variable ANUGA_PARALLEL is only used when testing anuga under travis CI. If you install mpi and then pypar (if using python 2 version of anuga) or mpi4py (for python 3 version of anuga) then you should be fine to run.
@stoiver Thanks for your input. I have tried the anuga_py3 branch and I could run it properly. I think we need a proper installation document for the same.
hello I want to know where can I download anuga_py3
@dark957 we have just setup the default main branch to be the python 3 version of anuga (and this needs mpi4py which should be available).