
List of future updates to DEA CoastLines web services

robbibt opened this issue · 2 comments


  • Add additional higher resolution summary layer using identical styling, to improve transition between high and low zoom levels
  • Update "annual rates of change"/"statistics" points labels to include standard error (e.g. "-2.4 m (±0.5)":
    rate_time + ' m (±' + 1.96 * se_time + ') ')
  • Show "annual rates of change"/"statistics" points labels only where abs_rate_time >= 0.2
  • Reduce "good" certainty line widths by ~20%
  • Reduce "uncertain" certainty line widths by ~35%
  • Increase transparency of "uncertain" shorelines from 40% to 30%
  • [ ] Fix This is a This is a, which generates map and See the [object Object] for more information in "About" section of WMS


  • Update text to be more contextual (e.g. "Coastline has retreated by X") using new growth/retreat boolean columns
  • [ ] Add sentence on SCE ("Coastline has changed over XX m total")
  • [ ] Use specific legends for both Supplementary_layers layers
  • Add message like "Zoom in and click on rates-of-change points to view a chart of coastal change over time" to summary layer statistics
  • Make statistics points layer the priority when both annual coastlines and statistics points are clicked on?

Make sure that data points are all 1st of January when plotted on Terria

All of these have been addressed