

GitHub project eGeodesy groups together several related projects, which define GeodesyML and facilitate Geoscience Australia and its collaborating partners in adopting GeodesyML as a common domain language.

\: <> (Github Project Overview Diagram \: <> (@startuml;) \: <> ([GML] <>;) \: <> ([GeodesyML] <>;) \: <> ([GeodesyML] - -> GML;) \: <> ([OGC Schemas Java Bindings] <> as OGC;) \: <> ([OGC] - -> GeodesyML;) \: <> ([GeodesyML Java Bindings] <> as Bindings;) \: <> ([Bindings] - -> [OGC];) \: <> ([Geodesy Web Services] <> as Web;) \: <> ([Web] - -> [Bindings];) \: <> (@enduml;) \: <> ())

Note: All components are in active development.


GeodesyML is a GML application schema for representation and exchange of geodetic information. For more information, see

This repository contains XML schema files for GeodesyML and all third-party schemas that GeodesyML depends on. It contains schematron validation rules to enforce conformance to published code lists, like GNSS antenna and receiver types and GMD responsible party roles.

OGC Schemas for JAXB

Third-party project ogc-schemas provides JAXB (and Jsonix) bindings for some of the XML schemas defined by OGC. Geoscience Australia's fork of ogc-schemas adds GeodesyML to the list of supported schemas. We leverage existing bindings for OGC schemas GCO, GMD, GMX, and OM, on which GeodesyML is built.

GeodesyML Java Bindings

Project geodesyml-java-bindings augments the binding classes generated in ogc-schemas with a utility class to perform marshalling and unmarshalling of any entity defined by GeodesyML or the schemas it depends on. This project is the first port of call for Java software needing to parse GeodesyML documents.

Geodesy Web Services

GeodesyML binding classes are automatically generated from XML schema files and using them exensively for purposes other than of data serialisation can be awkward. Project geodesy-web-services maps the generated GeodesyML entities to a set of domain classes more suited to persistence and data processing. It provides a set of domain services relevant to GA's operational requirements, like business validation of incoming data, processing of GNSS CORS site logs to broker eGeodesy node and setup entities, and broadcasting of significant domain events, like availability of final solutions or rejection of invalid site log submissions. It offers a public HTTP API for validation, submission, and retrieval of GeodesyML site log documents.

GNSS Site Manager

GNSS Site Manager is an Angular/TypeScript single-page web application for managing GNSS site metadata.

Contact Information

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

Please feel free to contact us through GitHub or at

-Lazar Bodor (