A set of numerical demonstrations in Excel to assist with teaching / learning concepts in probability, statistics, spatial data analytics and geostatistics. I hope these resources are helpful, Prof. Michael Pyrcz
- 0x0012Chile
- akhilpotlaUniversity of Utah
- alexcfleming
- amerhashim
- andrewwxyHong Kong
- augustobopsinborgesUFRGS
- chrisengelsmaHypotemoose
- clquezada
- coreymckeon
- devguf
- fredrocks
- GeostatisticsLessons
- henriquelira7Natal-RN
- HuangLiPang@tempuslabs
- jeffreader
- Johann1980
- JwalitsolankiVadodara
- linyuehzzzUniversity of Chicago
- mikezhou002
- mrobergeTowson University
- repneuableSouth Florida
- ritviksahajpalUniversity of Maryland
- rolfspieker
- rsarpongstreetor
- stephanbuettigDresden, Germany
- SuazoMx
- ThatcherTDenver, Colorado
- tianyi6625
- tquatr
- TreshUp
- tumugenshuhongkong
- VB6Hobbyst7
- Ye-FloresUniversity of Miskolc
- zhang-cugb
- zhangyimin234