
Seismic modelling and imaging wiz

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Seismic Modelling and Imaging wiz: An integrated toolbox

Author: Pengliang Yang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Email: ypl.2100@gmail.com

Programming language: C, Shell, Fortran

Operating System: Linux

Software dependencies: MPI, FFTW

Solution method: High-order finite-dfference time-domain (FDTD) for modelling on staggered grid; Quasi-Newton LBFGS algorithm for nonlinear optimization; line search to estimate step length based on Wolfe condition

Governing equation: 1st order acoustic wave equation

Code structure:

  • src: the source code in .c

  • include: the header files in .h

  • doc: documents for theoretic background

  • bin: the folderto store executable after compilation

  • run_fwi2d: a quick FWI example in layered medium, special acquisition geometry allows you to do FWI using only 1 shot, completing 50 iterations within 2 min on your laptop.

  • run_marmousi: Example for 2D FWI on Marmousi model

  • run_rtm: Example for 2D RTM

  • run_fbrec3d: Example for reproducing 3D wavefield reconstruction via deimation and interpolation

    Note that you must first generate acquisition file acqui.txt in run_fbrec3d/survey by running: gfortran generate_acqui.f90; ./a.out. Please copy it to /run_fbrec3d before numerical test. (This is because acqui.txt for this test is too large (400 shots * 10000 receivers) to be uploaded)

Instructions to run

  1. go to /src and compile:

cd /src;


  1. go to running template and test:

cd ../run_fwi2d

bash run.sh

To run RTM, you need:

cd ../run_rtm

bash run.sh

To do FWI/RTM, you first need to generate observed data from true models using mode=0.

Then, you start FWI in mode=1 with initial models (or RTM in mode=2).