
Telegram bot that fetches estate data from Immowelt

Primary LanguagePython


This is a small telegram bot using the python-telegram-bot wrapper that extracts data from Immowelt. Any help or assistance is greatly appreciated. Kindly share this project!

Installation and Startup

  1. download the code from github (either with .zip or git clone)

  2. install requirements.txt with this command: py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Use my bot or create your own bot. For that a token is necessary.

  4. Add the token to token.txt file.

  5. Run the file scraper_immmo.py either from the file explorer, an IDE or CMD/shell.

A python installation is also needed. Version 3.10 or above peferred.

Using the Bot

Add the bot to your telegram. Message the location of interest like hamburg-ottensen or muenchen. Current estates for that location will be sent as a reply.

Example output - Estate data

It would look like this:
