
Alpine based ansible installation to run kubernetes automation inside the cluster (i.e. CD: deploy after jenkins build)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Ansible Dockerfile

Run ansible directly in the cluster i.e. as deployment script after a successful build


Working directory is /home/ansible. The inventory is set to contain only localhost (as it is intended to run kubernetes.core.k8s[_info] packages)

Hint: use connection: local in your playbooks. Otherwise ansible will attempt to ssh into localhost. (If you know how to set this in ansible.cfg or the inventory, please let me know via issue)

Environment variable $PLAYBOOK

Runs ansible-playbook $PLAYBOOK

Directory run

Runs ansible-playbook run/main.yaml. Mount the ansible scripts to /home/ansible/run

File run.yaml

Runs ansible-playbook run.yaml.

File main.yaml

Runs ansible-playbook main.yaml.

Environment variable $SLEEP

Runs sleep $SLEEP. Useful for debugging purposes. Use kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <podname> -- ash to log into the instance and run ansible commands from there.


See builtins folder for built in yaml files. Some examples:


Delete all pods wich run $TARGET_IMAGE (env variable). Set PLAYBOOK to builtin/deletePodsByImage.yaml