This Specflow example shows the following Gherkin features:
- Background
- Given, When, Then, And
- Scenario and Scenario Outline + Examples
- Tags
"SpecFlow" documentation is available on:
This feature contains Gherkin Scenarios and Scenario Outlines and is compatible with other test frameworks that implement the Gherkin syntax. For example Cucumber and Behave. See for a Python Behave project, that uses the same feature file.
This feature contains an example of a feature that uses a Background. The Background contains common steps that will be executed before every Scenario
- SpecFlow+ Runner is installed and registered (See
To run the tests, execute commands:
to run all testsrunSmokeTest.bat
to run all test cases that are tagged with '@SmokeTest'runNightTest.bat
to run all test cases that are tagged with '@NightTest'