
Open-source multimedia platform that allows you to create your own streaming service

Primary LanguageSvelte

Libery Dungeons


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This README is a work in progress. Sorry I will populate it with more detail instructions as soon as i get the chance(yes i promise). Thank you for your understanding.


Open-source multimedia platform that allows you to create your own streaming service out of the media collection you already have. It's a self-hosted streaming service that allows you to give your multimedia collection Netflix-like features with some extra perks focused on managing large collections of multimedia files.


Here're some of the project's best features:

  • Self-hosted: You can host your own streaming service, mainly focused on a local network. but you can also expose it to the internet.
  • Keyboard focused: Is not only possible to control all actions withing the app with the keyboard, but it's the primary way to do it. Inspired by Vim, I aimed to provide quick and efficient ways to navigate and manage your media collection.
  • Integration with some media sources: You can download media from external sources, but natively I added an interface to painlessly download media from 4chan. Here is a list of recommended external tools
  • Robust Users, Roles and Permissions system: You can create users and manage them. Create a roles with cherry-picked permissions and assign them to users. This way you can control who can access what features and content.

Recommended Media sources

Here are some tools i personally use to download media for the platform:

This is an amazing tool that, as you probably guessed by the name, allows you to download media from YouTube. But that's not even close to the only media source it supports. here is a very extensive list of supported sites.

Simple not very good cli tool to download torrents. I know there are better options out there, but i haven't had the time to look for a better one. If you have a better suggestion please let me know.

Extremely(and i say that in the best way possible) simple tool to download media from Instagram. It can do pretty much everything you may need, from downloading a single image to downloading an entire profile. Really good tool.

Installation Steps:

Work in progress...