A nix flake for configuring spicetify. Includes packaging for many popular themes and extensions.
- AlexNabokikhWarsaw
- AmbioidGCSE food preparation and nutrition graduate
- Brisingr05
- cfeshete97JIANGSU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China
- CharcoalHalo
- comfysage~/dev
- DADA30000
- DeadEyez1LHS 1815b
- eljamm
- ellis-vesterOntario, Canada
- elythhRadio France
- Frost-PhoenixFrance
- gigamonster256Bryan, TX
- GuessWhatBBQbKash Limited
- hcwfGermany
- hemanth-92
- honnip
- itslycheeinterwebs
- KhenziiiPoland - Gdanśk
- Layer-09
- Lenivaya
- LudovicoPiero@AkukinKensetsu
- mahmoudk1000Alexandria Universty
- nebunebu
- NotAShelf@NotAShelf
- o-dasher
- peanutbotherGermany
- Phothonx
- redxtechGabe Dunn Dev @gabedunn
- Saghen@liqwid-labs
- Siarune
- Sly-HarveyUnited Kingdom
- SuperSandro2000@sapcc
- uncenterOrder of Mutants
- VagahbondESGI & [...]
- xhosToronto