React Boileplate App

This is a boilerplate to help you set up and get your project running as quickly as possible.

This boileplate includes:

  • React, React-DOM, React Router & React Addons Test Utils, all compatible with ver.15.2.1
  • Express for the local server
  • Webpack with all the modules set up to bundle up *.jsx and *scss files into a single bundle.js file
  • Babel
  • Karma, Mocha & Expect for tests


Simply clone the repo & run:

npm install

Starting to develop

If you open up 2 terminal tabs, one for the server to run, the other one for the webpack watcher and after you are ready to do some magic.

To run the server,type:

node server.js

Your server will be on http://localhost:3000

To run webpack, type:

webpack -w


Don't forget to write tests!

To run the test suite, simply type in the terminal:

npm test

That's all folks!