
A Ruby on Rails app that functions as a store. The app handles all the basic aspects of commercial transactions. It has an administrator facing side that handles all the selling operations and a users side that handles all the buying operations.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A Ruby on Rails app that functions as a store (specifically a clothing store). The app handles all the basic aspects of the buying/selling transactions. The store administrators can create/edit and eliminate product-categories, product-items, and product-stocks. They can browse orders placed and change their status as they are processed. The Users can browse product-categories, product-items, place product-items in their cart, and checkout once they decide their cart is full. Payments are processed via Stripe.

  • Admin Privileges:

    • Create, edit and destroy Categories into which products can be classified and managed. Categories include a description and an image to represent them.


    • Create, edit and destroy Products -the articles offered by the store. Products include a description, the price, and an image to represent them. The admin can change the status of a Product from "active" to "inactive" when it is needful to withdraw it from offer.


    • Create, edit and destroy Stocks -the inventory of the specific items offered. Besides the amount in existence, Stocks specifies a "size" property for the product (since the store deals in clothing items).


    • Browse Orders that have been placed, with the customer's name, e-mail and address, separated into unfulfilled and fulfilled Orders. The admin can edit the Order to change it's status from "fulfilled" to "fulfilled" as processing goes forward.


    • In the Dashboard the admin can see numbers for revenue (for this there is also a graph), total sales, sales average, and items/sale as well as a listing the most recent unfulfilled orders.


  • The User's experience:

    • At the home page the User can view the name and a representative image of the different Categories of products offered.


    • When the User selects a specific category to browse, he/she is redirected to a page where all the different Products offered under that category are displayed (their name and image).


  • The User can select a specific Product to browse, he/she is then taken to a page where larger images of the Product are displayed (one or many of them), a description, the sizes in which the Product is offered, and the price. If the User has decided to purchase the Product, he/she can select the specific size, and then add the item to the cart.


  • After the User has picked the first item to ad to the cart, they can proceed immediately to the cart, or they can continue browsing other products in the present category or other categories, and, when satisfied, proceed to view the sum of items on their cart. At the cart, the user can see the items he/she has chosen to buy, their price per unit, the quantity of each, the size of each, and the total for the entirety of the order. The User is given the choice to remove individual items from the cart, to clear the cart in it's entirety, or to checkout.


  • When the user clicks "checkout" they are taken to the Stripe checkout page where they fill-in all their information for payment and delivery purposes. They can then click on "Pay". If the operation is successful, they are notified that their purchase was completed.


Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps:


  • Ruby 3.1.1
  • Rails 7.0.6
  • Postgres
  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • Tailwind
  • Stripe
  • Chart.js

Setup and Install

  • Open your terminal - Windows: Win + R, then type cmd | Mac: Command + space, then type Terminal
  • Navigate to a directory of your choosing using the cd command
  • Run this command in your OS terminal: git clone git@github.com:German-Cobian/E-Commerce-Rails.git to get a copy of the project
  • Navigate to the project's directory using the cd command
  • Install dependencies by running bundle install
  • Run rails yarn install to configure yarn for your environment
  • Create the database in your environment by running rails db:create
  • Migrate the database to your environment by running rails db:migrate
  • Seed the app with data that is pre-packaged for its pages to display by runningrails db:seed
  • Execute bin/dev to fire up the server
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to get into the app
  • If you obtain the error ArgumentError in Categories#index it means that the app did not get successfully seeded. Run rails db:reset to get it seeded
  • Interact with the app using the links in the nav bar or included inside the pages.
  • To close the server, enter Ctrl + C in your terminal


👤 German Cobian

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page

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Conner Jensen Fullstack E-Commerce: Ruby on Rails 7, Hotwire, Tailwind, Stripe, PostgreSQL

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.