Full-Stack Software Developer. Experienced in Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, React and Redux. Currently looking for new opportunities.
Mexico. The city of Tijuana.
German-Cobian's Followers
- AbrahaKahsay@microverseinc
- alef-garridoMéxico
- AlexHamnData Scientist
- algerinaMicroverse
- ArthurGCFull-stack Developer
- Bondok6@helpjuice
- carloshs1994Around
- ccobasiFull Stack Developer
- DyaryRaoofFull Stack Developer
- franciscoPonceDevFull-Stack Developer
- goncaloafonso123
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- IbrohimRasulov
- JohnFTitor@Wazoku
- jonathastavaresFull-stack Developer
- juanchernandezdevColombia
- KatIsCodingFullStack Developer | Available for hire
- kenstephNew Jersey, USA
- leolpazFull-stack Developer
- melaniesigrid@wealthscope
- Mihndim2020Full-Stack Developer
- mustabbasSaudia Arabia
- NelitaaFull-stack Developer
- NitBravoA92Full-Stack Developer
- peterdgreatFull-stack Developer
- QoosimFull-Stack Web Developer
- Reem-lab@microverseinc
- Rocio01Freelance Full-stack Developer
- Sahar-AbdelSamadBeirut-Lebanon
- SamuelRocha91Salvador, Bahia, Brasil
- Shoaib-Raj-put
- SimonGideon@microverseinc
- sumairqOpen Source
- SunnySparksFreelance Full-stack Developer
- tiagorahalOutliant